The Napco IQ Profiler passive is an innovate new product with patented microprocessor PIR technology - analog signals are digitally converted before comparison to a built-in library of over 1200 false- and true-alarm profiles. This provides superior pet immunity for pets weighing up to 22,7 kg in mass, over a detection area of 15,2 m x 15,2 m.
The optics of this new detector are revolutionary - dual lenses are used to differentiate on the size and weight of a target. Small creatures close to the detector are reputed not to cause false alarms, and larger targets, such as an intruder, are reliably and quickly 'caught'.
It is possible to install the Napco IQ Profiler in less than one minute; a patented 'self-mounting' mechanism drives hardened steel mounting-pins into the wall surfaces, and screw-less 'snap-down' terminals are fitted.
This new detector is now available at a low introductory price from HBA Systems, by calling 012 660 2390 or by e-mailing [email protected]
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