Training & Education

The need for integrated control room displays
Issue 1 2025, Leaderware, Editor's Choice, Surveillance
Display walls provide a coordinated perspective that facilitates the ongoing feel for situations, assists in the coordination of resources to deal with the situation, and facilitates follow up by response personnel.

The need for integrated control room displays
Issue 1 2025, Editor's Choice, Surveillance
Display walls provide a coordinated perspective that facilitates the ongoing feel for situations, assists in the coordination of resources to deal with the situation, and facilitates follow up by response personnel.

Organisations fear AI-driven cyberattacks, but lack key defences
December 2024, Kaspersky, Information Security, News & Events
A recent Kaspersky study reveals that businesses are increasingly worried about the growing use of artificial intelligence in cyberattacks, with 56% of surveyed companies in South Africa reporting a rise in cyber incidents over the past year.

ONVIF launches new online learning initiative
November 2024, Surveillance, News & Events
ONVIF has released the first course in a new online learning initiative designed to promote greater knowledge and understanding of ONVIF's workings. The first “Introduction to ONVIF” course is now available.

Unique fire detection challenges in hospitals
SMART Fire & Safety 2024, Securiton, Fire & Safety, Healthcare (Industry)
Africa’s healthcare sector is a growth opportunity for business as new hospitals bring better health for millions, and the fire safety industry has a key role to play by ensuring these long-desired new hospitals do not go up in flames.

South African youth robotics team takes world title
October 2024, News & Events
A South African youth robotics team recently won the 2024 FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC) World Championships. FTC is an international robotics competition designed to ignite high school students' passion for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics).

SMARTpod talks to The Risk Management Forum
August 2024, SMART Security Solutions, Editor's Choice, News & Events, Security Services & Risk Management, Videos
SMART Security Solutions recently released its first SMARTpod podcast, discussing the upcoming Risk Management Forum Conference 2024, which will be held on 26 September 2024 at the Indaba Conference Centre in Fourways, Johannesburg.

How to securely manage your digital footprint
August 2024, Information Security
Managing your online presence is critical to safeguarding your privacy and security. It is imperative to take a proactive approach, including using robust cybersecurity best practices.

Cybersecurity fatigue: A growing risk with AI-driven social engineering attacks
August 2024, Information Security
Despite the significant amounts of time and money invested in cybersecurity training and awareness, employee carelessness and ignorance remain the most vulnerable parts of the average enterprise’s security posture.

Tips and tools for trade businesses
February 2024, News & Events
ServCraft brings together trade industry associations and corporations to launch blox, a digital content platform and community impacting lives, businesses and industries across hundreds of thousands of trade business SMEs.

Africa Online Safety Platform launched in SA
February 2024, News & Events
Impact Amplifier, with the financial support of, launched its African Online Safety Platform (AOSP), a platform providing a rich repository of research, education content, funding opportunities and ways to seek help after an online crime.

South African Keiron PRO laser target system
January 2024, News & Events
Jacstech, based in Cape Town, South Africa, has been appointed to supply a complete Keiron PRO laser training system to the SIRT Academy. The SIRT Academy is a firearms and tactics training facility in Perugia, Italy.

Practical guide to protect data privacy
January 2024, Information Security
The Data Privacy Toolkit, reflecting the evolving landscape of data privacy, includes guidelines and recommendations to safeguard sensitive information crucial for protecting sensitive information from malicious actors.

ONVIF releases first add-on for secure communications
January 2024, Surveillance
ONVIF has released the final version of the TLS Configuration add-on to increase the security of communications between devices and software clients within a physical security system.

Mastering security awareness in the digital era
Issue 6 2023, Security Services & Risk Management
Human error and lack of security awareness remain the first security threat. Companies must consider the importance of managing employee cyber risk and the significance of training and awareness programmes.

Preparing young entrepreneurs
Issue 6 2023, News & Events
Liquid Intelligent Technologies SA recently announced that its Youth Empowerment Programme is successfully preparing young South Africans with the skills they need to succeed in a digital future.

Free South Africa Market Report webinar from TAPA EMEA
Issue 6 2023, Technews Publishing, Editor's Choice, News & Events, Transport (Industry), Logistics (Industry)
October 2023 offers TAPA EMEA members and non-members opportunities to increase their knowledge of cargo crime and supply chain security risks in three countries in Europe, the Middle East & Africa region, where supply chains are most targeted by both organised crime groups and other offenders.

Empowering the new team of trailblazers in cybersecurity
Issue 6 2023, News & Events, Information Security
Fortinet is committed to creating more opportunities for women in cybersecurity in South Africa as it actively fosters a culture of inclusion by expanding access to training and career advancement through its training institute.

Digital transformation is dependent on engaged leaders
Issue 4 2023, Infrastructure
Having a digitisation strategy in place is the starting point, but to truly activate a digital transformation programme, organisations need a strong leadership team that has acute self- awareness, and can positively contribute and direct their influence toward the people affected by change.

A golden opportunity for young South Africans
Issue 4 2023
Doros Hadjizenonos, Regional Director for Southern Africa at Fortinet, believes that young South Africans can benefit from the current cybersecurity skills gap and turn it into a lucrative and satisfying profession.


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