Successful joint SAIDSA and ESDA breakfast road show September 2015, SAIDSA(SA Intruder Detection Services Association) The South African Intruder Detection Services Association (SAIDSA) breakfast was held in collaboration with the ESDA (Electronic Security Distributors Association) road show on 29 July 2015.
Private security industry signs game-changing wage agreement July 2015, SASA (Security Association of South Africa), News & Events The private security industry employer bodies have signed a three-year wage agreement with the relevant trade unions, following a constructive and peaceful negotiation process.
PSIRA looks to form a professional body June 2015, PSiRA (Private Security Ind. Regulatory Authority) The Private Security Industry Regulatory Authority (PSIRA) is planning to form a professional body that will cover and represent the electronic industry as a whole.
Forum brings standards to industry June 2015, SAIDSA(SA Intruder Detection Services Association), ESDA(Electronic Security Distributors Association) Considered the watchdog of industry, the South African Intruder Detection Services Association (SAIDSA) is an association of service providers of security systems. It will be hosting a breakfast forum on 29 July in Cape Town in conjunction with ESDA’s Cape roadshow.
Critical issues in the security sector June 2015, ESDA(Electronic Security Distributors Association) ESDA discusses the proposed formation of a professional body tasked with policing, vetting and endorsing the electronic security industry.
SAQCC Fire training June 2015, SAQCC (Fire), Conferences & Events As part of the directive from the Department of Labour, the SAQCC Fire D&GS training subcommittee is in the process of formulating training programmes and qualifications for authorised persons.
Security associations update May 2015, PSiRA (Private Security Ind. Regulatory Authority), News & Events A brief look at what's happening in South Africa's security associations this month.
Message from the ESDA chair May 2015, ESDA(Electronic Security Distributors Association) The ESDA chairperson writes about the association and its current activities.
Renewal of Certificate project May 2015, PSiRA (Private Security Ind. Regulatory Authority) The Private Security Regulatory Authority (PSiRA) has released more information on its Renewal of Certificate project, designed to ensure only registered companies and individuals have the latest certificates with new security features.
Setting the record straight on industry compliance February 2015, SASA (Security Association of South Africa) Costa Diavastos, president of the Security Association of South Africa, sets the record straight on industry compliance.
TAPA SA set for growth September 2014, News & Events The South African chapter of the Transport Asset Protection Association is expanding its operations to gain members and improve cargo security standards.
Meet your ESDA member: Focus on service and support September 2014, MiRO, News & Events Miro distribution has now positioned itself as a responsible supplier to the growing IP convergence industries and focuses heavily on supplying only best-of-breed products, providing strong after-sales service and technical support.
SAEFIA gearing up to be a professional body September 2014 Following the first exploratory meeting with SAQA and the Department of Labour (DoL) in mid-July, it is clear that the South African Electric Fence Installers Association (SAEFIA) is en route to becoming a recognised professional body.
The cost of non-compliant hiring August 2014, SASA (Security Association of South Africa) Security Association of South Africa: The hidden costs and consequences of contracting non-compliant security providers.