If you have ever wondered why the expensive surveillance system you installed at the recommendation of a consultant is not delivering what you require, help may be at hand. Rotatest Compliant Services has acquired the UK’s CCTV in Focus agency for South Africa.
CCTV in Focus offers CCTV compliance testing of surveillance installations independent of any vendor or outside interference. Users receive a report, done using the Digikin (was Rotakin) testing target specific to their environments to ensure the cameras and locations they choose are fit for purpose. A written report provides the information security managers need to verify their proposed installation will deliver as requested.
Ernst Le Roux from Rotatest says the tests have been used successfully in the UK and Europe for years, and have been applied in South Africa, but this is the first time the agency has been awarded to a South African company, which means users can receive certified assurance that their installation is fit for purpose.
He adds that the standards employed will ensure:
* Ensure every camera to be installed will have a purpose eg, identification, recognition, observation.
* Every camera’s positioning complies with specifications.
* The system in use complies with requirements in live display of cameras and monitoring.
* The storage quality of the video images is correct.
* Stored footage can be used in a court of law.
The seven standard tests will include:
* Camera resolution horizontal.
* Camera resolution vertical.
* Depth of focus – resolution 0–25%, 25–50%, 50–75%, 75–100%.
* Colour definition: true colour and sharpness.
* Number identification.
* Motion detection quality.
* Facial recognition.
Using the Digikin target ensures that the correct camera and setup is implemented for the purpose of each camera. Le Roux says this will ensure that sub-standard installations are avoided and clear and correct footage is always available.
The company will be rating cameras from seven manufacturers at Monaghan farm in the near future. Hi-Tech Security Solutions will report back on the event in a future issue.
For more information contact Rotatest Compliant Services, +27 (0)11 787 5223, [email protected]
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