WD founds new storage association September 2013, News & Events, Perimeter Security, Alarms & Intruder Detection, Infrastructure WD, a Western Digital company, announced that it has founded the Storage Products Association (SPA) with other hard drive companies to promote the merits and value of rotating magnetic storage technologies, ...
Electronic security sector under PSIRA microscope September 2013 The Private Security Industry Regulatory Authority (PSIRA) hosted its first workshop on the electronic security sector in South Africa at its head office in centurion last month.
What's going on with service levels? September 2013, SMART Security Solutions According to Bruce Robertson, newly appointed chairman of the South African Institute of Security (SAIS), the private security industry has been receiving a fair deal of negative press lately. The question is: Is it justified? If yes, what can be done to turn things around for the better?
SAIS celebrates 35th anniversary September 2013, News & Events In celebration of its 35th anniversary, SAIS has presented Dedicated Membership Awards and many of those present at the AGM.
SASA endorses PSIRA high-level enquiry June 2013 The Security Association South Africa (SASA) has endorsed the high-level PSIRA (Private Security Industry Regulatory Authority) investigation into the beating by private security officers of a suspected ...
SAIDSA rolls out 2013 May 2013 The South African Intruder Detection Services Association (SAIDSA) has solid plans this year for its members and the security industry as a whole. Now in its 45th year, SAIDSA continues to grow its strength and presence in the South African alarm and CCTV security industry.
ESDA update April 2013 As most people are aware the Electronic Security Distributers Association (ESDA) has been going for a number of years, and although the association has remained focused with regards to membership, who ...
ESIA, ESDA aim high in 2013 April 2013 The Electronic Security Industry Association (ESIA), formed under the auspices of the Security Industry Association (SIA), and Electronic Security Distributor Association (ESDA) have big plans for 2013. ...
Standards in security April 2013 The South African Institute of Security (SAIS) hosted its first lunch seminar for 2013 at JP Morgan in Illovo in February. The event featured a presentation from Johan Du Plooy, an experienced security ...
SASA responds to the Minister January 2013 SASA president Jenny Reid joins in the conversation the police minister opened in his bid to amend the act governing the private security industry.
Continuous Professional Development from SAIS 1 November 2012 The South African Institute of Security launches its Continuous Professional Development Programme on the 1st January 2013.
SA security industry wins first battle April 2012, News & Events As reported by Hi-Tech Security Solutions online in December, SIA has taken the security regulator to task and won temporary respite for the industry.
PCI DSS is working 8 December 2011, Financial (Industry) PCI DSS is proving successful as a strong foundation for overall data security, with research pointing to the PCI Standards as effective in efforts to satisfy the European Data Protection Directive
ADT officers recognised at SIA Awards 2011 1 December 2011, News & Events Three ADT Reaction Officers and an ADT Kusela site supervisor were among the security staff who received a Prevention of Crime Award for going beyond the call of duty to combat crime
Crime in South Africa: the good, the bad and the reality November 2011 SAIS recently held a conference in Johannesburg to speak about the crime situation in South Africa and Singapore.
The South African Institute of Security and the Security Association (Singapore) recently ...
Industry assocations at IFSEC November 2011 This year’s show hosted SIA (Security Industry Alliance), ESIA (Electronic Security Industry Alliance), ESDA (Electronic Security Distributors’ Association), FDIA (Fire Detection Installers Association), ...
Governance or folly October 2011 Proposed PSIRA fee increases to cripple industry.
The proposed increases in the fees of security officers contained in the Amendment to the Regulations made under the Security Officers Act (Act No. 92 ...