Circuit City Electronics has introduced the BearExtender PC, the first Microsoft Windows compatible edition of the product. BearExtender PC is a long range, high-powered 802.11n Wi-Fi USB receiver that offers up to four times the range of standard range USB and built-in WiFi products.
BearExtender is named after Berkeley’s wireless network called AirBears. “BearExtender n3 for Macs was well received because of its affordable price and excellent long range performance. As so many of our buyers inquired about a Microsoft Windows version, we had no choice but to launch a PC version,” Roland Saekow, head of product development at Rokland Technologies said.
BearExtender technology combines two proprietary high sensitivity receivers with a powerful 700 mW transmitter for long range Wi‐Fi performance. Built‐in Wi‐Fi cards on the other hand typically operate between 50 to 100 mW maximum. BearExtender PC offers up to four times the range of standard Wi‐Fi USB adapters and on- board Wi-Fi cards: approximately double for internal laptop cards and four times for standard range 802.11g USB adapters.
BearExtender PC also features an upgradable, external 2 dBi gain antenna, bypassing interference from casing on notebooks and desktop computers. "BearExtender PC offers long ranges to both older 802.11g networks as well as new 802.11n networks,” said Saekow. “Until now, users had to decide between a long range 802.11g adapter that did not work with N routers, or an 802.11n product that did not get very good range to G routers. BearExtender PC gets long ranges to either one, giving you strong signals and fast speeds too.”
Priced at R599 incl VAT, BearExtender PC is available from most Incredible Connection Stores.
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