Biometrics Selection Guide 2020

Access & Identity Management Handbook 2020 Biometrics Selection Guide, Access Control & Identity Management

Select technology: All | 3D fingerprint | card reader | ERS Biometrics | facial | fingerprint | full hand scan | hand | ID scan | keypad | PIN or biometric for security rules | QR code | RFID | RTE standalone or networked | tag swipe | vein

Select brand: All | ACL Series | BioRugged | Bosch | Hikvision | IDEMIA | MorphoAccess by IDEMIA | SACO, a division of Bidvest Protea Coin | Suprema | ZKTeco

Select distributor: All | ADI Global Distribution | Africlocks | Bidvest Protea Coin | Elvey Security Technologies | EOH | ERS Biometrics | Gallagher | Ideco Biometric Security Solutions | Impro Technologies | MiRO Distribution | neaMetrics | Pinnacle | Powell Tronics | Reditron | Regal | Regal Distributors SA | Security Warehouse | Sensor Security | UTC Fire and Security | Veracitech | Veracitech Engineering Botswana | Veracitech Systems Namibia

Bosch Building Technologies

Biometric Technology: fingerprint

Manufacturer/Brand name: Bosch


Device: BioEntry W2 Fingerprint Reader

Description: BioEntry W2 features class-leading reading performance that enhances user experience by offering fast matching and quick response for users. Featuring dual-frequency RFID technology, BioEntry W2 supports both low-frequency (125 kHz) and high-frequency (13,56 MHz) RFID standards in addition to the fingerprint as a credential.

Application: Access control (outdoor/indoor)

Integration support: Wiegand, RS-485 (OSDPv2)

Contact: Quintin van den Berg

Tel: +27 11 651 9604

[email protected]

Elvey Security Technologies

Biometric Technology: fingerprint

Manufacturer/Brand name: Suprema

Distributors/Suppliers: Elvey Security Technologies

Device: BioLite N2 outdoor IP fingerprint terminal

Description: This 2nd-generation outdoor fingerprint terminal offers comprehensive access control and time and attendance features based on Suprema’s latest biometric technology and security platform, with class-leading performance and security powered by Suprema’s latest fingerprint algorithm and advanced fingerprint sensor. Packed in a rugged IP67 housing, BioLite N2 brings added flexibility in system design with its multi-class RFID reading technology.

Application: Standalone, remote access, distributed access control systems

Contact: Elvey

Tel: +27 11 401 6700

[email protected]


Biometric Technology: fingerprint, facial

Manufacturer/Brand name: Hikvision

Distributors/Suppliers: Regal Distributors SA, Sensor Security, Pinnacle, ADI Global Distribution

Device: DS-K1T607 Series Facial Terminal

Description: For quick and reliable facial verification – even under difficult light conditions – the Hikvision DS-K1T607 is an ideal solution. Its deep learning-empowered face recognition technology, plus fingerprint, QR code, password and intercom functions, make it a highly convenient and reliable facial terminal for any professional environment.

Application: Access control, time and attendance, video intercom

Integration support: Device SDK

Contact: Leon Hu

Tel: +27 72 967 5793

[email protected]


Biometric Technology: fingerprint

Manufacturer/Brand name: MorphoAccess by IDEMIA

Distributors/Suppliers: Ideco Biometric Security Solutions , Gallagher, EOH, Impro Technologies

Device: MorphoAccess Sigma Lite

Description: MorphoAccess Sigma Lite is a slim, sleek and powerful fingerprint access control terminal which can perform 1:10 000 user identification in 1 second. Offering a high capacity of 10 000 users (30 000 templates), it is designed to fit narrow mounting surfaces such as glass/aluminium door mullions, turnstiles or server rack doors.

Application: Access control

Integration support: SDK, Thrift, Wiegand, MorphoManager (BioBridge)

Contact: Ingo Mutinelli

Tel: +27 11 601 5500

[email protected]


Biometric Technology: fingerprint

Manufacturer/Brand name: MorphoAccess by IDEMIA

Distributors/Suppliers: Ideco Biometric Security Solutions , Gallagher, EOH, Impro Technologies

Device: MorphoAccess Sigma

Description: The MA Sigma is a newly launched multiple-recognition (NFC chip reader, PIN and BioPIN codes, contactless card reader) touchscreen device. It has a modern glossy black design with features designed for market needs and requirements, and brings enhanced security and accuracy (FBI PIV IQS certified optical sensor).

Application: Access control, time and attendance

Integration support: System integration

Contact: Ingo Mutinelli

Tel: +27 11 601 5500

[email protected]


Biometric Technology: fingerprint

Manufacturer/Brand name: MorphoAccess by IDEMIA

Distributors/Suppliers: Ideco Biometric Security Solutions , Gallagher, EOH, Impro Technologies

Device: MorphoSmart Optical 300 Series

Description: The MSO300 Series is a family of high-end USB optical sensors. It is based on Morpho’s 25-year experience in the field of electro-optics and forensic-quality fingerprint processing algorithms.

Application: Enrolment

Integration support: System integration

Contact: Ingo Mutinelli

Tel: +27 11 601 5500

[email protected]


Biometric Technology: fingerprint

Manufacturer/Brand name: MorphoAccess by IDEMIA

Distributors/Suppliers: Ideco Biometric Security Solutions , Gallagher, EOH, Impro Technologies

Device: MorphoSmart Optical 1300 Series

Description: The MSO 1300 (USB) has been designed to address the needs of logical access control to highly secure PC applications in industrial, corporate and governmental environments. The MSO 1300 Series is based on a fast and cost-effective optical sensor and has an embedded storage capacity of up to 5000 users (10 000 templates).

Application: Enrolment

Integration support: System integration

Contact: Ingo Mutinelli

Tel: +27 11 601 5500

[email protected]


Biometric Technology: fingerprint

Manufacturer/Brand name: MorphoAccess by IDEMIA

Distributors/Suppliers: Ideco Biometric Security Solutions , Gallagher, EOH, Impro Technologies

Device: MorphoWave

Description: MorphoWave is the world’s first biometric access solution to capture and match four fingerprints with a single hand movement. It implements a patented, truly contactless technology that not only acquires extremely accurate fingerprint data but also overcomes the challenges wet/dry fingers and latent prints pose to conventional scanning systems.

Application: Access control, time and attendance, contactless

Integration support: System integration

Contact: Ingo Mutinelli

Tel: +27 11 601 5500

[email protected]


Biometric Technology: fingerprint

Manufacturer/Brand name: MorphoAccess by IDEMIA

Distributors/Suppliers: Ideco Biometric Security Solutions , Gallagher, EOH, Impro Technologies

Device: MorphoTablet 2

Description: The MorphoTablet 2 is an 8-inch touchscreen tablet with an incorporated FBI PIV IQS and STQC certified optical fingerprint sensor. The device offers signature capture, contactless smartcard and a 13 megapixel camera with dual LED for face capture. The slim, sleek device operates on 4G, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, and weighs a mere 545 grams.

Application: Access control, time and attendance, KYC, data capture

Integration support: SDK available

Contact: Ingo Mutinelli

Tel: +27 11 601 5500

[email protected]


Biometric Technology: fingerprint, vein

Manufacturer/Brand name: MorphoAccess by IDEMIA

Distributors/Suppliers: Ideco Biometric Security Solutions , Gallagher, EOH, Impro Technologies

Device: MorphoAccess VP Series

Description: The MA-VP Series is an access control device available as MA-VP Bio (fingerprint/vein only) or MA-VP Dual (fingerprint/vein plus MIFARE/ DESFire cards). It can store up to 10 000 users (20 000 templates), and is IP65 rated and suited for indoor and outdoor use.

Application: Access control

Integration support: System integration

Contact: Ingo Mutinelli

Tel: +27 11 601 5500

[email protected]


Biometric Technology: fingerprint, vein

Manufacturer/Brand name: MorphoAccess by IDEMIA

Distributors/Suppliers: Ideco Biometric Security Solutions , Gallagher, EOH, Impro Technologies

Device: MorphoSmart FingerVP Series

Description: The MSO FVP is an FBI PIV IQS certified USB biometric reader using the latest technologies. It simultaneously captures fingerprint as well as vein templates, and combines the best of both templates to ensure the highest security and the best possible performance.

Application: Enrolment

Integration support: System integration

Contact: Ingo Mutinelli

Tel: +27 11 601 5500

[email protected]


Biometric Technology: fingerprint

Manufacturer/Brand name: MorphoAccess by IDEMIA

Distributors/Suppliers: Ideco Biometric Security Solutions , Gallagher, EOH, Impro Technologies

Device: MorphoAccess Sigma Lite +

Description: Powerful access control terminal offering T&A, in and out function keys and a 2,8-inch colour touchscreen. The embedded Web server enables on-device enrolment, terminal configuration and transaction log retrieval. This device can perform 1:10 000 user identification in 1 second, and offers a high capacity of up to 10 000 users (30 000 templates).

Application: Access control, time and attendance

Integration support: SDK, Thrift, Wiegand, MorphoManager (BioBridge)

Contact: Ingo Mutinelli

Tel: +27 11 601 5500

[email protected]


Biometric Technology: fingerprint

Manufacturer/Brand name: MorphoAccess by IDEMIA

Distributors/Suppliers: Ideco Biometric Security Solutions , Gallagher, EOH, Impro Technologies

Device: MorphoAccess Sigma Extreme

Description: The MorphoAccess Sigma Extreme is a touchscreen device with multiple recognition interfaces (NFC chip reader, PIN and BioPIN codes, contactless card readers). It has a modern glossy black design with features designed for market needs and requirements, and delivers enhanced security and accuracy through an FBI PIV IQS certified optical sensor.

Application: Access control

Integration support: time and attendance

Contact: SDK, Thrift, Wiegand, MorphoManager (BioBridge)

Tel: +27 11 601 5500

[email protected]


Biometric Technology: fingerprint

Manufacturer/Brand name: MorphoAccess by IDEMIA

Distributors/Suppliers: Ideco Biometric Security Solutions , Gallagher, EOH, Impro Technologies

Device: MorphoWave Compact by IDEMIA

Description: The MorphoWave Compact captures and matches four fingerprints on either the right or left hand in any direction. It is immune to environmental factors such as extreme light or dust. The patented touchless sensor technology ensures the most accurate and reliable fingerprint matching for maximum security, which also copes with wet and dry fingers.

Application: Access control, time and attendance, contactless

Integration support: System integration, MorphoManager (BioBridge)

Contact: Ingo Mutinelli

Tel: +27 11 601 5500

[email protected]


Biometric Technology: fingerprint

Manufacturer/Brand name: BioRugged

Distributors/Suppliers: neaMetrics

Device: BioRugged Series

Description: Rugged mobile Android terminals with options to include barcode scanning, card reading, RFID, NFC, and more. BioRugged Ruggbo 20 series and BioWolf LE and 8N terminals integrate Suprema SFU-S21 fingerprint scanners with live finger detection and FBI PIV and FAP20 certification for mobile identity applications. BioWolf 60 has an FAP60 scanner.

Application: Civil ID, criminal ID, mobile T&A, KYC, logistics, warehouse management

Integration support: Developer API, software development integration support, customised solution development; integrated with major civil and criminal solution providers; integration into BioStar 2 for mobile T&A

Contact: BioRugged Team

Tel: +27 11 784 3952

[email protected]

Powell Tronics

Biometric Technology: fingerprint

Manufacturer/Brand name: IDEMIA

Distributors/Suppliers: Powell Tronics

Device: MorphoWave Compact

Description: The MorphoWave Compact captures and matches four fingerprints on either the right or left hand in any direction. It is immune to environmental factors such as extreme light or dust. The patented touchless sensor technology ensures the most accurate and reliable fingerprint matching for maximum security, and also copes with wet and dry fingers.

Application: Access control, time and attendance

Integration support: PT-Wave, ATOM, PT-GUEST

Contact: Mike Austen

Tel: 0861 787 253

[email protected]


Biometric Technology: 3D fingerprint, full hand scan, card reader

Manufacturer/Brand name: IDEMIA

Distributors/Suppliers: Reditron

Device: MorphoWave Compact

Description: MorphoWave Compact is part of a range of readers designed for frictionless biometric access control. This sophisticated piece of engineering delivers the award-winning, field-proven performance of MorphoWave contactless 3D fingerprint technology in a stylish and compact wall-mounted device, suitable for any location.

Application: Biometrics, access control, time and attendance

Contact: Mel Labuschagne

Tel: +27 87 802 2288

[email protected]

Regal Distributors SA

Biometric Technology: facial, fingerprint, QR code, ID scan

Manufacturer/Brand name: ZKTeco

Distributors/Suppliers: Regal Distributors SA

Device: ZKTeco FaceKiosk H13

Description: In order to provide a friendly and interactive user experience, the FaceKiosk H13 has a 13,3-inch touchscreen Android system smart device. ZKTeco has installed optional module functions that have a built-in RF card reader and fingerprint sensor which can accurately verify user identity information.

Application: Time and attendance, customer services, self-service kiosk, access control, hospitality payment, queuing solution, automated ticketing, advertising

Integration support: Android API

Contact: Andrew Levell-Smith

Tel: +27 11 553 3300

[email protected]

SACO, a division of Bidvest Protea Coin

Biometric Technology: fingerprint

Manufacturer/Brand name: SACO, a division of Bidvest Protea Coin

Distributors/Suppliers: Bidvest Protea Coin

Device: SACO Workforce Management/Guest/Workflow/Anywhere

Description: SACO Workforce Management accurately identifies each individual with a variety of technologies, including biometrics. SACO Workforce Management includes access control, time and attendance, and health and safety disciplines as a holistic solution, integrated at its core.

Application: Access control, time and attendance (static and mobile), health and safety management, asset protection, induction management

Integration support: Manufacturer-proprietary technology, SAP, Oracle, Sage, IDEMIA

Contact: Freddy Niehaus

Tel: 0861 237 226

[email protected]


Biometric Technology: facial

Manufacturer/Brand name: Suprema

Distributors/Suppliers: neaMetrics, ADI Global Distribution, Elvey Security Technologies, Gallagher

Device: Face Series

Description: FaceStation 2 and FaceLite feature proprietary algorithms for high-speed face matching and live face detection, and offer MIFARE/DESFire, RFID/NFC/ BLE, operating illuminance of up to 25 000 lux, maximum of 30 000 users and 5 million text logs. FaceStation 2 offers a wide touchscreen, videophone interface, embedded Web server and 50 000 image logs.

Application: Access control, time and attendance, building management, CCTV and VMS integration, home, office and production automation

Integration support: Developer API, software development integration support, open-platform Wiegand, RS-485, integrated door control, integrated with all major access control manufacturers

Contact: Suprema Team

Tel: +27 11 784 3952

[email protected]


Biometric Technology: fingerprint

Manufacturer/Brand name: Suprema

Distributors/Suppliers: neaMetrics, ADI Global Distribution, Elvey Security Technologies, Gallagher

Device: BioStation Series

Description: The BioStation series offers fast matching, uncompromised security and accuracy. A2 and L2 models feature live finger detection, while the BS2 is suitable for outdoors. All provide extensive RF options and NFC, plus features such as PoE and touch LCD (model dependent). They support 500 000 users 1:1 (100 000 1:N for A2 and L2; 20 000 1:N for BS2).

Application: Access control, time and attendance, building management, CCTV and VMS integration, home, office and production automation

Integration support: Developer API, Software development integration support, Open platform Wiegand, RS-485 (OSDP), integrated door control, integrated with all major access control manufacturers

Contact: Suprema Team

Tel: +27 11 784 3952

[email protected]


Biometric Technology: fingerprint

Manufacturer/Brand name: Suprema

Distributors/Suppliers: neaMetrics, ADI Global Distribution, Elvey Security Technologies, Gallagher

Device: BioLite N2

Description: Packed in a rugged IP67 housing, N2 is perfect for outdoor/indoor installations, supports full T&A and access control functionality for 10 000 users, features multi-class RFID reading technology, plus BLE and NFC for mobile fingerprint credentials. Interfaces include TCP/IP, RS-485 and Wiegand. An FBI certified model is available.

Application: Access control, time and attendance, building management, CCTV and VMS integration, home, office and production automation

Integration support: Developer API, software development integration support, open-platform Wiegand, RS-485 (OSDP), integrated door control, integrated with all major access control manufacturers

Contact: Suprema Team

Tel: +27 11 784 3952

[email protected]


Biometric Technology: fingerprint

Manufacturer/Brand name: Suprema

Distributors/Suppliers: neaMetrics, ADI Global Distribution, Elvey Security Technologies, Gallagher

Device: BioEntry Series

Description: The BioEntry Series provides high-definition fingerprint image capture, minutiae extraction and RF card reading capability. The W2 model offers an IK09 vandal-resistant housing with IP67 rating plus PoE and live finger detection. P2 and R2 models make use of OSDP and NFC. The R2 is designed exclusively for centralised access control systems.

Application: Access control, building management, CCTV and VMS integration, home, office and production automation

Integration support: Developer API, software development integration support, open-platform Wiegand, RS-485 (OSDP), integrated door control, integrated with all major access control manufacturers

Contact: Suprema Team

Tel: +27 11 784 3952

[email protected]


Biometric Technology: fingerprint

Manufacturer/Brand name: Suprema

Distributors/Suppliers: neaMetrics

Device: BioMini Series

Description: Suprema’s range of 500 ppi optical fingerprint sensors with IP65 scratch-free surface, high-speed USB 2.0 interface and live finger detection with FBI PIV certification and Mobile ID FAP 10/20/30 options. Slim3, Slim2, Slim2S, Plus 2 and Combo models can operate in direct sunlight, and the Combo has contact and contactless card readers.

Application: Civil and criminal identification, fingerprint enrolment, biometric identity systems, application user security and single sign-on (SSO), time and attendance

Integration support: Developer API, SDK for Windows and Linux (and Android for Slim models), software development integration support, customised solution development, OEM options for hardware integration

Contact: Suprema Team

Tel: +27 11 784 3952

[email protected]


Biometric Technology: fingerprint

Manufacturer/Brand name: Suprema

Distributors/Suppliers: neaMetrics

Device: Authentication Module Series

Description: Suprema fingerprint modules with SDK for easy integration into hardware solutions requiring biometric authentication. Various options are available with features including live finger detection, multi-dynamic range technology for operation in direct sunlight, FBI PIV and Mobile ID FAP certification and automatic finger placement detection.

Application: Hardware manufacturing, custom T&A and access terminals, POS, ATM, cash deposit boxes, vending, vehicle ignition, manufacturing control equipment; any custom hardware requiring fingerprint

Integration support: Developer API, software development integration support, customised solution development

Contact: Suprema Team

Tel: +27 11 784 3952

[email protected]


Biometric Technology: fingerprint

Manufacturer/Brand name: Suprema

Distributors/Suppliers: neaMetrics

Device: RealScan Series

Description: FBI certified and AFIS compliant live scanners with options for single or 10 print flats, rolls, 4 finger slaps and palm. 500 dpi greyscale images, high-quality image capturing with halo effect and ghost image elimination, wet or dry fingers, automated image quality check and WSQ image compression. Robust, ideal for static and mobile operations.

Application: National ID, immigration and border control, criminal applications (police), civil identification, high-speed fingerprint capturing

Integration support: Developer API, software development integration support, customised solution development, integrated with major civil and criminal solution providers

Contact: Suprema Team

Tel: +27 11 784 3952

[email protected]

UTC Fire and Security SA

Biometric Technology: keypad, tag swipe, RTE standalone or networked, PIN or biometric for security rules

Manufacturer/Brand name: ACL Series

Distributors/Suppliers: UTC Fire and Security

Device: ACL805SUW-BC-S Biometric Capacitive with Keypad

Description: Biometric, keypad, tag swipe or RTE standalone or networked versions can be paired and offer everything you need around access control. No software is required as programming can be done via the unit. Wiegand output allows the credential string from a card, PIN or biometric for security rules. Configuration via the ACL800 BioManager is available.

Application: Access control, commercial and residential applications, standalone or networked

Integration support: Wiegand, Advisor advanced, Lenel, Truportal, RS-485, MIFARE CSN (Classic, Ultralight, DESFire)

Contact: Sales Department

Tel: +27 11 579 7300

[email protected]


Biometric Technology: fingerprint, facial, hand

Manufacturer/Brand name: IDEMIA

Distributors/Suppliers: Veracitech, Veracitech Systems Namibia, Veracitech Engineering Botswana

Device: Morpho Wave and Sigma family

Description: Veracitech offers seamless, fully integrated template enrolment, template distribution, card and cardless terminal/reader usage on the XMP-Babylon platform. The company is an integration partner and value-added reseller for IDEMIA (Sagem/Morpho) biometric terminals, and has successfully integrated the new IDEMIA MorphoWave terminal.

Application: Access control, identity management, people management, time management, biometrics

Integration support: Integration partner for IDEMIA’s Sagem and Morpho products on the XMP-Babylon platform

Contact: Alvin Flaum

Tel: +27 11 888 7251

[email protected]


Biometric Technology: ERS Biometrics

Manufacturer/Brand name: ZKTeco

Distributors/Suppliers: Regal

Device: FaceDepot-7B

Description: The FaceDepot-7B is an indoor facial recognition station with a slim design and 7-inch display. Features include enhanced visible light facial recognition with deep learning built-in, maximum 10 000 face templates capacity, optional fingerprint and ID/MF module, dual camera for real-time face detection, and a recognition distance of 0,3-3 metres.

Application: Access control, time and attendance

Integration support: Standalone, works with ZKBioSecurity

Contact: Brent Saaiman

Tel: +27 12 259 1047

[email protected]


Biometric Technology: facial, fingerprint, RFID

Manufacturer/Brand name: ZKTeco

Distributors/Suppliers: Regal Distributors SA, ERS Biometrics

Device: FaceDepot-7A

Description: The FaceDepot-7A is an outdoor facial recognition station with robust and compact design. It features enhanced visible light facial recognition with deep learning built-in, a 7-inch LCD display with impact-resistant glass cover, splash-proof design, wide range of lighting acceptance and maximum 10 000 face templates capacity.

Application: Access control, time and attendance

Integration support: Standalone, works with ZKBioSecurity

Contact: Brent Saaiman

Tel: +27 12 259 1047

[email protected]


Biometric Technology: facial, fingerprint, RFID

Manufacturer/Brand name: ZKTeco

Distributors/Suppliers: Regal Distributors SA, ERS Biometrics

Device: SpeedFace-H5

Description: The SpeedFace-H5 is a 3-in-1 starter facial recognition terminal with 5-inch touch display. Features include enhanced visible light facial recognition with deep learning, 3-in-1 verification with fingerprint, RFID and facial recognition, dual camera for real-time face detection, 6000 face template capacity, and recognition distance of 0,3-3 m.

Application: Access control, time and attendance

Integration support: Standalone, works with ZKBioSecurity

Contact: Brent Saaiman

Tel: +27 12 259 1047

[email protected]


Biometric Technology: facial, fingerprint, RFID

Manufacturer/Brand name: ZKTeco

Distributors/Suppliers: Regal Distributors SA, ERS Biometrics

Device: SpeedFace-V5

Description: The SpeedFace-V5 is a starter facial recognition terminal with 5-inch touch display. Features include enhanced visible light facial recognition with deep learning built-in, multiple verification with fngerprint, RFID, facial recognition, dual camera for real-time face detection, 6000 face template capacity and recognition distance of 0,3-3 m.

Application: Access control, time and attendance

Integration support: Standalone, works with ZKBioSecurity

Contact: Brent Saaiman

Tel: +27 12 259 1047

[email protected]


Biometric Technology: facial

Manufacturer/Brand name: ZKTeco

Distributors/Suppliers: Regal Distributors SA, ERS Biometrics

Device: ProFace X

Description: ProFace X is a fully upgraded version of the ProFace product line, which is designed to deal with all kinds of scenarios. It’s powered by the latest ZKTeco-customised CPU for running the intelligently engineered facial recognition algorithm to boost performance in all aspects.

Application: Access control, time and attendance

Integration support: Standalone, works with ZKBioSecurity

Contact: Brent Saaiman

Tel: +27 12 259 1047

[email protected]


Biometric Technology: fingerprint

Manufacturer/Brand name: ZKTeco

Distributors/Suppliers: Regal Distributors SA, Security Warehouse, MiRO Distribution, Africlocks, ERS Biometrics

Device: iClock 680 Biometric Fingerprint Reader

Description: iClock 680 is a biometric fingerprint reader for time and attendance and access control applications. It adopts a brand-new firmware and provides an unprecedented user experience with stunning GUI, rock-solid stability, fast matching speed and expandability. It also supports data backup and retrieve to avoid the risk of accidental deletion.

Application: Access control, time and attendance

Integration support: Standalone, works with ZKBioSecurity

Contact: Brent Saaiman

Tel: +27 12 259 1047

[email protected]

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Further reading:

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