Duxbury Networking
How to plan a cybersecurity attack response
SMART Cybersecurity Handbook 2022, Entertainment and Hospitality (Industry)
After experiencing a breach, organisations often realise they could have avoided a lot of cost, pain and disruption if only they’d had an effective incident response plan in place.
Mission-critical coverage for safe cities
Issue 8 2021, Government and Parastatal (Industry)
The network smart and safe cities all rely on must overcome complexities, including budgetary constraints, which are always a consideration when planning and implementing enhancements.
Storage solutions for surveillance
CCTV Handbook 2021, Technews Publishing, Forbatt SA, Infrastructure
When it comes to storage, simply knowing where your video is stored, how to access it quickly and how to handle the large amount of data is a complex task.
Creating a safe retail environment
Issue 1 2021, Retail (Industry)
Stores generally draw heavy foot traffic, making it a challenge for retailers to keep customers and employees safe from unexpected incidents; the ability to promptly react to accidents and events is a therefore a priority when choosing a retail surveillance solution.
Silent security guard for safe cities
Issue 9 2020, Surveillance
Cities represent the very centres of economic vitality and public life. The right use of effective communication and information technology helps cities become smarter.
Technologies for paediatric care
Issue 7 2020, Healthcare (Industry)
Virtual contact via electronic devices may decrease the sense of isolation and alienation between parents and babies deprived of physical contact.