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Surveillance abilities and people recognition
August 2017, Editor's Choice, Surveillance
People are born with different skills, strengths, weaknesses and temperament. These define the areas that we are likely to be good at and the areas that we should probably avoid.

Leveraging wide-area CCTV evidence
July 2017, Editor's Choice, Surveillance
CCTV coverage across buildings, city blocks, cities and even intercity camera footage is being used increasingly to deal with major crime or terror violations in the UK.

The role of performance ­management systems in CCTV ­surveillance effectiveness
June 2017, Editor's Choice, Surveillance
The potential for the detection of incident or crime conditions will vary from environment to environment making it difficult to have a general performance standard for CCTV operators.

The changing nature of CCTV surveillance and the demands of crisis handling
May 2017, Surveillance, Training & Education
While used to traditional physical security responses to threats in outside areas, many managers and staff in surveillance control rooms are facing new challenges.

How the types of surveillance impact on control room and workstation design
CCTV Handbook 2017, Editor's Choice, Surveillance
People often speak about CCTV surveillance as a relatively simple thing, however, the type of surveillance operation will determine the optimal control room setup required.

Use and interpretation of thermal camera video
March 2017, Editor's Choice, Surveillance
Thermal cameras are rising extensively in status and usage in the industry with the excellent detection of the presence of potential intruders, while pricing is slowly becoming more affordable.

Using large display screens for effective CCTV surveillance
February 2017, Editor's Choice, Surveillance
Even though we have larger displays and better resolution, the problem of identifying any meaningful behavioural signals or details on camera views remains.

Polygraphs in the control room
November 2016, Editor's Choice, Surveillance, Security Services & Risk Management
The honesty and reliability of operators, supervisors and managers may be compromised in a number of ways. Dr Craig Donald investigates polygraphing as a solution.

CCTV surveillance tracking and camera layout displays
October 2016, Surveillance
Tracking people with a CCTV system across a site is an essential task for most operations and inevitably it is going to require switching to other cameras.

The mind, eye and hand speed and implications for slow motion viewing
September 2016, Editor's Choice, Surveillance
A recent publication on CCTV and reviewing video in slow motion came to the finding that where people viewed CCTV footage in slow motion, viewers would be more prone to convicting offenders.

High performing CCTV operators
July 2016, Editor's Choice, Surveillance
“The effectiveness of CCTV may be very dependent on a whole range of issues but in particular the monitoring strategies adopted by camera operators.”

Is technology outpacing operator capability?
June 2016, Editor's Choice, Surveillance, Conferences & Events
Along with a new and increased focus on obtaining and using intelligence, technology is going to change the way the control room is designed, organised and ultimately staffed.


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