
Sensormatic sees bright future for digital recording
June '99
According to Sensormatic's Brian Hill, analogue video recording and storage devices are on their way out. Analogue time lapse VCR's (TLVCR) have been with us for some time, but have had their inherent ...

Frank Street introduces DigiNet 2000 digital recorder
June '99
Digital recorders are a very recent development in the CCTV industry, and it goes without slaying that it is a technology that is not well understood by the security industry. It is, however, common knowledge ...

Grundig offers range of digital recording solutions.
June '99
CCTV systems have been extensively used as not only a crime prevention system (due to its deterrent value) but also as an event recording medium so that incidents can be reviewed after they have occurred. ...

Outlining CCTV training areas.
June '99
CCTV training is often associated with how to operate the equipment and software systems an organisation uses. The CCTV 'system' that one has to look at, however, is far broader. In order to have functional ...

CCTV Industry Management Training Needs Survey
July '99
Please rate the points below in terms of how important you feel it is to have training content provided as part of industry practice by placing a tick in the relevant column. Once you have done this, ...

New Digi-Eye digital video recorder and transmission system available from Reditron
November '99
Reditron has announced a new addition to its range of transmission and digital recording equipment. Digi-Eye is the latest in modern technological architecture combining the best of transmission capabilities ...


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