When it comes to inter-device communication, reliable and effective data transmission is critical, especially in security. According to security professionals, JIST, solutions that include asynchronous communication between devices provide the most effective and reliable results. Free flow of data, and accurate interpretation of information, is vital to the success of real time reactions to security threats.
Michael Gelderbloem of JIST says, “Asynchronous communication refers to data that can be transmitted intermittently, much like a conversation where two, or more, people can converse with each other, interrupt, talk and listen to more than one person at a time. The advantage of this in security data collection and monitoring is absolutely critical to allow for rapid reaction to a threat. Listening for the right data will also allow for a highly successful system. Determining what communication to listen for is one of the most critical aspects of system development.”
The term asynchronous refers to the continuous transmission of data, without the need to queue in a system. The time taken to receive, or interpret, this data can be the difference between success and failure of the entire system. Asynchronous communication resolves the delay of critical data to enable security systems to react immediately with reliable information.
Gelderbloem continues, “In security communications this type of transmission is also referred to as start-stop communication where data is transmitted using a start bit at the beginning of the communication and a stop bit at the end. The challenge with asynchronous data transmission is the reliability of interpreting data that is relevant. While the data is being received the security system must be able to understand what it is reading and provide uncompromised information to prompt human interaction. The right data mining becomes a crucial part of a successful system and this is where software engineers play a critical role. Ensuring the coding is spot on and covering every possible trigger is absolutely essential for a security system to be totally effective.”
Synchronous communication is a rigid application whereas asynchronous is more flexible for the rapid interpretation of data. Key to this is an understanding of what needs to be interpreted from the data being received. A combination of asynchronous solutions and interpretation of the right data provides a system that offers solutions that covers all security threats.
Gelderbloem concludes, “Having the right system with the right interpretation of data at the right time ensures successful security and surveillance. This does not necessarily mean a complete overhaul of hardware and software installations. Integrating devices and software that are able to communicate with each other is possible in many situations, even with older technology. Establishing the right data transmission protocols and security triggers is the most critical part of security systems.”
JIST believes that simplicity remains the key in security solutions. Asynchronous communication breaks down data transmission and receipt to its simplest form. With the right platform integrated with the right open source software solution, security systems can be tailored specifically for every client’s unique needs.
For more information contact JIST, +27 (0)21 905 5903, [email protected] or [email protected]
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