Inergen is the world’s safest extinguishing system, causing no harm to human health. This has been proven in practice by more than 5000 full-scale tests.
By avoiding the use of dangerous chemicals or water, Inergen offers:
* Protection of human life.
* Protection of buildings and materials.
* Protection of the environment.
Like sprinkler or halon systems, Inergen is activated by detectors. Once a fire is detected, Inergen is released. It essentially suffocates the fire in just 30-40 seconds. It works by displacing the oxygen that allows the fire to breathe and it does so without risk to humans. Because Inergen snuffs out fires before they spread; there is no risk of damage to valuable inventory. There is no odour, no smoke, and no damaging chemicals.
During the extinguishing process, Inergen systems reduce the air humidity, minimising the probability of spark overs which could cause a further fire risk. Inergen is a composition of natural gases found in the atmosphere and thus there are no environmental issues relating to its potential discharge. The extinguishing principle behind fixed extinguishing systems with Inergen is oxygen replacement. This means that the oxygen content in the atmosphere which is about 20,9% is lowered to somewhere between 10 to 14%. At this oxygen level most common fires will die out.
Where other extinguishing agents just lower the oxygen level, Inergen distinguishes itself by maintaining an oxygen level which ensures that people can remain in the room.
Inergen is ideal for every type of room where there are people as well as valuable items. It is a very dry gas mixture, so it has low conductivity. This aspect is especially important for applications in transformer and high-voltage rooms where non-insulated components are installed.
For more information contact Devtrade Distribution, +27 (0)21 552 6891, [email protected],
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