Nuix Investigate is an advanced investigation application, blending cutting-edge digital workflows and graphic analysis with elements of traditional, non-digital investigations. With powerful visualisations, search capabilities and analysis tools built on top of a processing and indexing engine, Nuix Investigate helps corporations, government agencies, law enforcement and service providers examine and get answers from their case data.
Investigators and their teams can make better-informed decisions and solve cases faster with Nuix Investigate. Nuix Investigate allows you to interrogate your case data as it processes for early data and early case assessment, whether for your investigation, response to regulatory inquiry, or to promote directly to Nuix Discover for visual analysis and review. Enable investigators and other stakeholders to collaborate on case data and digital evidence, all while protecting sensitive information in the case with role-based access to the data and to product features.
Nuix Investigate makes sense of the data chaos. It quickly extracts, correlates and contextualises thousands of data types, across people, objects, locations and events, enabling multiple investigators to make faster and more accurate decisions in collaboration with their teams — wherever they are located. Nuix Investigate is available from Ozone IT Distribution.
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